



Study on Summer Temperature and Humidity Regulation Effect of Different Underlying Surfaces in Anqing Jiangtan Park

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    目的 为定量分析城市滨水带状绿地不同下垫面温湿度调节效应,选取安庆滨水带状绿地江滩公园为研究 对象,分析不同下垫面与降温增湿强度之间的关系,旨在为城市滨水带状绿地规划提供理论依据。 方法 于天气晴 朗夏季,选取 6 种下垫面(草地、乔草、乔灌草、水体、硬质铺装、建筑)为研究对象,以开阔的无植被区域作为对照, 测定温度、相对湿度、风速,比较不同下垫面之间降温增湿作用的差异。 结果 6 种下垫面均具有降温增湿作用,温 度日变化呈现出“单峰型”变化规律,湿度日变化呈现出 U 型变化,且各类型下垫面均在中午 11 ∶ 00—13 ∶ 00 达到 高温低湿状态,其中乔灌草与乔草两种下垫面与对照点之间的温湿度差异显著,水体与对照点之间的湿度差异极 显著,温度差异不显著,草地、硬质铺装、建筑与对照点之间的温湿度差异均不显著。 此外,不同类型林地中常绿阔 叶林降温增湿作用最为明显。 结论 不同类型下垫面表现出不同的调节作用,植物群落与水体能有效改善周边环 境小气候,该结果对合理配置滨水带状绿地植物具有实践指导意义。


    Objective In order to quantitatively analyze the temperature and humidity regulation effect of different underlying surfaces of urban waterfront belt green space Jiangtan Park a waterfront green area in Anqing was selected as the research object to analyze the relationship between different underlying surfaces and the intensity of cooling and humidifying with the aim of providing a theoretical ground for the planning of urban waterfront green areas. Methods In sunny summer six kinds of underlying surfaces grassland arbor grass arbor shrub grass water body hard pavement and building were selected as the research objects and the open area without vegetation was used as the control. The temperature relative humidity and wind speed were measured to compare the difference in cooling and humidifying effects between different underlying surfaces. Results These six types of underlying surfaces all had the function of cooling and humidifying. The daily change in temperature presented a ??single peak pattern and the daily change in humidity presented a U-shaped pattern. Moreover all types of underlying surfaces reached a high temperature and low humidity state from 11 00 to 13 00 at noon. Among them there were significant differences in temperature and humidity between the underlying surface of the arbor shrub grass and the control site there were significant differences in temperature and humidity between the underlying surface of the arbor grass and the control site there were highly significant differences in humidity and non-significant differences in temperature between the underlying surface of water bodies and the control sites and there were no significant differences in temperature and humidity between the underlying surface of grassland hard surfacing and buildings and control sites. In addition the cooling and humidifying effects of evergreen broad-leaved forests were most obvious in different types of forest land. Conclusion Different types of underlying surfaces show different regulatory effects and plant communities and water bodies can effectively improve the microclimate of the surrounding environment. The results are of practical significance for the rational allocation of waterfront belt green plants.


丁元春,范志强,杨 荣,宗 梅.安庆江滩公园不同下垫面夏季温湿度调节效应研究[J].重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版),2023,40(5):64-71
DING Yuanchun, FAN Zhiqiang, YANG Rong, ZONG Mei. Study on Summer Temperature and Humidity Regulation Effect of Different Underlying Surfaces in Anqing Jiangtan Park[J]. Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University(Natural Science Edition),2023,40(5):64-71

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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-09-19