Abstract:According to the problem in the prevention and control of online game addiction of the students in local colleges and universities, this paper sets up classified indicator system for the evaluation on the effect of prevention and control of online game addiction of the college students by using gradient grade quantification method to illustrate assessing parameters of survey results. Furthermore, the clustering analysis method of extenics is used to analyze the significance of each factor for the effect on the prevention and control through matter-element definition and transformation, and the comprehensive effect on the prevention and control of online game addiction of the college students is quantitatively measured based on the survey from multiple angles such as the addicted college students, parents, and counselors. Finally, by deeply analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each evaluation indicator affecting the prevention and control of online game addiction of the college students, through the combination of the goal and real demand for their grow-up and talent development, this paper analyzes the changing trend and correcting effect of the addicted students after the measure implementation, so as to continuously improve the implementation measures for the prevention and control of online game addiction of the college students and to reduce the proportion of the addicted students so that better effect on the prevention and control of online game addiction of the college students can be reached, which meet the demand of the reform of education and teaching.