Abstract:As an excellent distributed computing framework to deal with big data, Hadoop is very popular in enterprises. However, the deployment of Hadoop cluster needs to consider the compatibility of each component, compilation problems and tedious component parameter configuration,and beginners often cannot deploy successfully even in several days. Ambari is an open source tool that supports Hadoop cluster deployment, monitoring and management. In view of the complexity of Hadoop cluster deployment, this paper puts forward the practical method of deploying each component of Hadoop cluster based on Ambari tool, and discusses some key points and important steps of rapid deployment. Through Ambari tool, the rapid deployment of most common components of Hadoop ecosphere minimization cluster has been completed, such as HDFS,HBase,Hive,Pig,Oozie,Zookeeper,Sqoop,Spark,Storm,Kafka,Flume and so on. Project practice shows that Hadoop cluster can be deployed within 8 hours by using Ambari tools. Compared with the traditional manual deployment, Ambari tools greatly improve the efficiency and success rate of Hadoop cluster deployment.