



Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization: On the “Effective” and “Long-term Mechanism” of National Governance

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    After winning the battle against poverty and building a moderately prosperous society, “consolidating and expanding the effective linkage between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization” has become a strategic focus and core agenda in the areas of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. However, the existing literature has insufficient research on the theoretical connotation of “effectiveness” or the origin of “effectiveness”. As a result, it is difficult to scientifically evaluate the “effectiveness” of connection because the criteria for judging whether it is “effective” are vague. This paper holds that from the short-term perspective (the natural cycle of the completion of various governance), the “effectiveness” of national governance is finally manifested as the realization or even exceeding the expected governance goals and effects under the coupling of “legitimacy” and “effectiveness”. Specifically, in the governance path, it is necessary to form a synergy between “top-down” and “bottom-up”; in the governance behavior, “unified action” and “leading” should work together and ptomote each other; and then through the double increment of “positive progressive” and “negative improvement” to continuously improve the governance effect, so as to achieve the governance “effectiveness”. From a long-term perspective (the evolution of lower-order governance to higher-order governance), after the completion of “effective” low-order governance, it will enter higher-order governance driven by the upgrading of “legitimacy” of governance, and put forward new and higher standards and requirements for the “effectiveness” of governance. Therefore, the “effective” “long-term mechanism” of national governance refers to the continuous evolution from low-order governance to high-order governance through “progressive evolution” and “sudden improvement” on the basis of the continuous improvement of governance system, the continuous improvement of governance capacity, and the continuous strengthening of governance resilience. After the “effective” completion of poverty alleviation, the “legitimacy” and “effectiveness” of governance will be upgraded in the macro context of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and steadily promoting common prosperity, which will inevitably lead to the evolution from low-order governance of poverty alleviation to higher-order governance of rural revitalization. Therefore, “the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization” has become the core task of the transition stage of rural governance. In the specific rural governance practice, to realize the “effective” connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, it is necessary to further improve the “top-down” promotion mechanism, smooth the “bottom-up” feedback channel, and work together to make the governance path “effective”. It is necessary to scientifically plan “unified action” and fully stimulate the role of “leading” to achieve “effective” governance in two ways. It is necessary to continuously strengthen the “positive progressive” effect and actively play the role of “negative improvement” to achieve “effective” governance by double increment. Meanwhile, we should be good at applying the “effective” experience and model of poverty alleviation into the practice of rural revitalization after improving and upgrading, actively and properly coping with various unexpected negative impacts, smoothly realizing the “progressive evolution” from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, and accelerate the modernization of rural governance system and governance capacity. This paper attempts to analyze the origin and connotation of “effective” and “effectiveness” based on the theory of national governance, and then proposes the governance path, governance behavior, governance efficacy, and “long-term mechanism” to achieve “effective” national governance, providing a theoretical framework for the analysis of “effectiveness” and “long-term mechanism” of national governance. It also provides path inspiration and policy reference for “the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization”.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-03-05