Abstract:Land is an important livelihood capital for farmers, how to deal with it is the key to the follow-up support work for the relocation for poverty alleviation, which is important for poverty removal. Based on the Rational Choice Theory and the Push and Pull Theory, this paper uses the survey data from 11 resettlement sites for poverty alleviation in Youyang County of Chongqing to analyze the impacts of land transfer on poverty alleviation for relocated households. The study showed that land transfer could positively promote the poverty alleviation of the relocated households by bringing rental income to the relocated households, by promoting the optimization of the family's production factors, and by the joint allocation of labor force. Non-agricultural employment played an intermediary role, and policy implementation by village cadres plays a mediating role in land transfer and non-agricultural employment. It is necessary to activate the rural land market, promote the rational flow of land elements, strengthen the efforts of village cadres to actively implement policies, continue to drive non-agricultural employment for relocated households, and consolidate the foundation for sustainable poverty alleviation in the process of follow-up support work for the relocation for poverty alleviation.