Abstract:The emigrants who were settled backwardly and locally in the construction of the reservoir are a special group of poverty emigrants, the spot survey on the emigrants settled backwardly and locally in Wuqiangxi Reservoir shows that the emigrants have small living space, embarrassed available resources and un-promoted rights. Currently, the lacking of resources in the majority of Chinese emigrants causes the rights of the emigrants to be difficult to be protected, further to produce ubiquitous emigration poverty. As a result, the right protection and capacity improvement of the emigrants must be implemented by government participation and policy regulation in order to help the emigrants to get rid of resources insufficiency and to boost the economic development in their settlement areas so as to eliminate emigration poverty. In practice, China needs to develop market-oriented economy to promote fair trade and autonomous development, consolidate education and training to improve the capacity of the emigrants, and create good environment to help the realization of the emigrants’ rights.