Abstract:Implementation of provincial government directly-governing county financial system is a major adjustment of local intergovernmental fiscal relations and the expansion of county-level financial autonomy depends on the division of fiscal authority and duty between local governments. The running result of Henan provincial government directly-governing county is unsatisfactory, financial self-supplying capacity and the proportion of per capita fiscal revenue of the first-round of five pilot counties of Henan Province to per capita county-level fiscal revenue of all province are still that strong counties are more strong but the weak counties are weaker, which is related to the implementation of reform strategy with “maintaining the stock and adjusting increment” for protecting vested interest in the transitory process of county-level financial system of Henan Province. The enlargement of county-level financial autonomous right should redefine revenue and expenditure scope between county-level finance and provincial finance according to the relationship between provincial finance and county (or city) finance and set up provincial incentive transfer payment system for all counties.