Abstract:The creation and continuous deepening of sustainable devel opment thought makes the p rinci ple and paradigm of environmental governance continuous evolution . Traditional order - contr ol style environmental governance paradigm has defects, however, currently, new envir onmental government paradigm, as envir onmental voluntary initiatives, also has its li mitation because the implementati on of the environmental governance depends on the voluntary behavi ors of an enter p rise and is not restricted by laws and is short of enforceability . The model country, Canada, which has made great p rogress in environmental governance, als o has many problems and barriers in the process of the i mp lementati on of environmental voluntary initiatives . Envir onmental voluntary initiatives do not mean that the obligati on of the enterp rises t o foll ow theenvironmental laws should be remitted, but that the enterprises should have agile and original methods based on current laws and regulati ons in envir onmental protecti on innovati on, i, e . , the environmental behaviors of an enterprise are expected to be better than the requirement of the laws and regulation